Bata Osha Bahi | Danda Pahnara 2023


There are two fasts on the same day. Danda Pahara is a little easier but Bata Osha is a bit difficult. The method of both is also different. So we will know about both in this post together you will get a PDF of both below.

ବାଟ ଓଷା ବା ଦାଣ୍ଡ  ପହଂରା ଓଷା 

Bata Osha-Danda Pahnra Date/ बता ओशा (Bata Osha) तिथि

Bata Osha is celebrated in Odisha in the Krishna Pakhya Tritiya Tithi of the month of Paush (between December-January, according to the English calendar). It is also known as Danda Pahara Osha or Yama Osha.

Also read : Kanji Anla Osha 2021

2021  December 23 को बता ओशा  पड़रहा है   

The presiding deity of this festival is Yama. It is held in honor of Yama on the second lunar day of the dark fortnight of Paush. It is popularly celebrated in Odisha.

The festival is all about worshiping Yama himself, the jolly pot-bellied god in black. In this puja, only the mothers observe the fast. Women put on new clothes and perform puja and worship Yama at the junction of three or four roads by praying for the well being of their husbands and children whenever they travel. Since the worship takes place on the road which means Bata in Oriya language, hence the name of this festival is Bata Osha. Also, a plant named 'Millet Radish' is worshiped near the place of worship. And when women sweep the road, this plant is used as a broomstick.

Also Read: Prathamastami Puja Bidhi 

A woman who does not have a child, she performs a special ritual by spreading her lap near the place where the cow is tied (ଗାଈ) and sits there. Then other women (who have children and took part in this puja) start sweeping the road from the place of worship to reach the lady with the millet-radish plant. After reaching the gaushala, he gives his net (the dishes he offered to Yama during the puja i.e. Buddha-chakuli-like) to the woman and it is in her apron.

And the belief is that, by eating those nuts and believing that Yama bestowed his blessings on him by offerings, his life would very soon be filled with children.
